Visible and able to handle all your fuel grades, this 36"w x 96"h three Product double-sided sign is built to make the biggest impression of any sign its size, but not take up a lot of space. It doesn't take up much room, but it's bright colors and ease of use make it a big attention getter. Bolt it to a Pole in front of your business, and show your price to the customers that matter!
A three product/ price information sign with 20 inch numbers for easy to read messaging. Mounts to a pole and is double sided for information to customers
Double-Sided Pole mount
Overall size 36"w x 96"h
20" flip numbers (0-9)
Product panels and product panel text are included
*Flip-Number Signs are MADE TO ORDER and NON-RETURNABLE!
** Please note all payments will be processed at the time of order placement for the following: flip price signs & manufacturer drop ship items.
***Due to high order volumes, Flip Signs ship within 10 business days.